September 05, 2004

Redesign 80% Complete

Sorry for the lack of content recently. I've been struggling with getting a stable 3-column css layout that doesn't look too busy.

The middle column still needs some work, I think, but I wanted to go ahead and throw this out there for feedback from my few regular readers.

Please email or comment with feedback on the new look.


Update: Make that 99.9% complete! Thanks for the feedback and compliments. Especially thanks to Madfish Willie for some solid, constructive criticism. I got rid of the dotted line under the banner, as well as the link-underlining in the sidebars. I also moved the sitemeter and scripts down to the bottom right, so that they would load last; I noticed they were keeping the right bar from loading quickly. Any other comments still welcome!

Posted by JohnL at September 5, 2004 12:52 AM

I like the galaxies. The middle column hides the right-hand column (Explorer, Mac OS 9). Also, the "preview" button in the comment box returns an error message (this is the second time I've tried to comment),

Posted by: Don at September 5, 2004 09:51 PM

Thanks for the feedback, especially since you're a Mac user. I've gotten this to display properly (even in low resolutions like 800x600) in Firefox, Opera, and IE6 for Windows. Would you mind letting me know which version of Explorer you are using for the Mac? If you have Firefox, does this display better in that? If I know which version of Explorer you are using, I may be able to research what the compatibility issue is and work on a patch.

I don't have a clue what could be causing the preview button not to work, as it works on my setup (both IE6 for Windows and Firefox .8 for Windows). Thanks!

Posted by: John Lanius at September 5, 2004 10:40 PM


Looks cool. I've been wanting to add some spacey graphics to my blog, but I think I'll just link to yours!

Using IE 6.0: the columns are stable until I shrink the window width so that the middle column is about the width of the word "September" in the middle column, so, I just won't do that.

Posted by: chris at September 6, 2004 04:26 PM

I use IE 5. With Mozilla, it looks fine, and the preview works, too. I wouldn't sweat over making your site compatible with a lousy browser on an obsolete operating system. (I'm waiting for one last essential application to be ported to OS X, and then I'll be done with OS 9 forever.)

Posted by: Don at September 6, 2004 08:09 PM

Mozilla 1.6 / Win XP Home / 1280x1024 resolution... everything looks fine, degrades fine when resizing the browser window, preview works fine in the comment window... on a personal preference level - the dotted line under the banner is a bit distracting, and the underlined links clutter up the side columns - again, that was just personal preference... I know, everyone is a critic...

Posted by: Madfish Willie at September 7, 2004 12:21 AM

Good comments. I'll probably adopt them. The dotted line originally went there to make sure the content and link divs were equidistant from the top. It was just a design tool that has outlived its usefulness.

The links on the side do look a little cluttered, too. Great, constructive criticism. My favorite kind!

Thanks again.

Posted by: John Lanius at September 7, 2004 08:05 AM

Looks good, John. From my perspective, the most important thing is that it is not over-styled so it is still easy to read the text postings.

Posted by: RP at September 8, 2004 08:47 AM

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