MWOC Project
OK. I have a couple of regular features now: the Sunday Aircraft Cheesecake postings and the Weekly SF Babe Poll.
I originally got into this blogging thing to stretch my authorial (writerly?) muscles, but I haven't done nearly as much original writing as I had planned. I've heard that any writer needs to write a million words of crap (MWOC) before getting published.
Now, I'm in a good position in my legal career, and I'm not really looking to change anything. However, I would love to write something other than contracts and get paid for it someday.
Query: should the words on this blog count toward the proverbial MWOC? I'm thinking about yet another feature: the MWOC feature, which would contain my fictional offering with a word count and a running tally of the number of words written (with a countdown from the million-word goal).
What do you think? Little Miss Attila and Pixy have talked about maybe having a Munuvian writers' group. I wonder if this would be a way to kick that idea off.
Part of it depends on what you want to publish. I'd think that for essay-writing, political commentary, investigative journalism, reviews of TV/movies/books/restaurants and meditative pieces, you could practice in your blog entries.
Fiction is different. People have to be in the right mood for fiction, and there has to be a story arc--and, preferably, believable characters (some, likeable--or so they tell me). For that, an actual support group is helpful. Or a class. Or anything.
Fiction is hard; everything else is easy.
Posted by: Attila Girl at January 13, 2005 01:30 AM