The Lost Weekend
Kathy, Rob, and the Llama Military Correspondent all recounted tales of their "Lost Weekend."
I like the sound of that: The Lost Weekend. It has a kind of mystique to it.
My weekend included the following:
Saturday - Cub Scout bike ride, three hours of yard work, swimming and dinner with family friends. Kids to bed late.
Sunday - early music rehearsal with church band, performance in church service, baking a cake for oldest son's birthday, shopping, trip to see the Fantastic 4 (much better than the bad reviews it got, btw), sleepover birthday party for oldest son.
And it spilled over into today: handyman appeared at 8:00 this morning to put in some floor tiles, I worked a full day, and had to get eldest son to a church youth activity this evening at the same time my daughter was starting her birthday party at the neighborhood pool. It is now almost 11:00PM CDT and I am finally unwinding.
This is just a sample of our summer to date.
Based on the pace we've been keeping up around here, together with the prep and fallout of the house move, I think we'll look back at this and call it The Lost Summer.