It's Not the Quantity, It's The Quality
The first rule of blogging is to update your blog regularly. But a funny thing happened when I stopped following that rule. My daily traffic doubled and has remained in the supra-500 hits-per-day range for the last 7 months or so of reduced posting. While many of my visitors come looking for airplane or science fiction babe pictures, they usually stick around for a few minutes at a time, which indicates to me that they like what they see.
My strategy may not be so flawed, based upon this article from Marketing Profs: Why Blog Post Frequency Does Not Matter Anymore.
Thanks to Agent Bedhead (new resident on my blogroll) for finding this nice rationalization for laziness around here.
Damm, I wish I could get a few more hits on my site. I'ts so much more fun when you can respond to comments. HEY ALL YOUSE GUYS! check it out.
Hmmm. I post, I get hits. I don't post, I don't get hits. Must be a karma thing.
Posted by: Hucbald at July 12, 2006 02:18 AM